European Cloud Strategy

Independent & Technological neutral

Strategic usage of well maintained and secure open source software builds the cornerstone of transparent and vendor neutral software as well as its cloud infrastructure. Though, a modern cloud architecture usually requires a degree of cloud native components - it has to be a well balanced mix.

Sovereign Footprint

Sovereignty in cloud services is a broad term. Our motivation is to see our customers achieve: No vendor lock-in of their business critical cloud infrastructure, internal teams that are proficient in operating a hybrid cloud architecture, and absolute integrity and control over all data and infrastructure components at any given moment - all that mainly within EU jurisdiction.

Secure & Compliant

Security on a technical level is the key driver to become compliant on an organizational level. With a resilient infrastructure composed of independent European services, EU regulations become achievable more easily, therefore critical business processes as well as intelectual property stays protected within Europe - legally and physically.